Educational Information for Children
As many different factors need to be considered when relocating, the education side is very important. Here at VIP Almeria, our children have gone through the public system in both primary and secondary. We felt that the need for the Spanish integration was important. There are other options available for Non-Spanish speakers and here is a guide of suggestions and contacts:

Valdeserra (Vera)
Tfno: 950 462 115 - Fax: 950 462 224
The educational stage for the Primary School children is between 6-12 years.
The primary school is housed in an independent building within our complex and comprises of 18 classrooms, 6 support classrooms, computer room, Library and workshop for arts and science.
The objective for this stage is to provide children with an education that will encourage personal development and welfare; they will acquire their own basic cultural skills regarding oral speech and comprehension, reading, writing and calculus so to enhance their social habits, the working and studying routine, their artistic ability and affection. The approaches at this stage will secure the integration of different experiences and learning, students will adapt to their work rate.
The aim for the primary school aged students is to continue to develop skills that allow:
- Learn common living values and act appropriately.
- Develop individual working and social habits; develop effort responsibility, self confidence, a critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity ,interest and creativity through learning.
- To acquire the ability to peaceful problem solving.
- Understand and respect different cultures and people.
- Understand and use correctly the Spanish language and develop good reading habits.
- Understand and use correctly the English language.
- Acquire basic communication skills in the German language.
- Develop basic mathematical skills.
- Know and value the natural, social and cultural environment around them.
- Learn how to use new technologies.
- Use different artistic expressions through performance to gain in visual references.
- Use physical education and sport as a means to favour personal and social development.
- To develop a constructive attitude in all aspects of their personality and with others.
We especially stress the importance of giving attention to diversity, individual attention and prevention in learning difficulties arising. If learning difficulties are discovered we will have support classes so that the child can catch up to be at the same level as his/her class mates.
As a supporting measure, we provide our students with the tools and weapons to “learn how to learn”. We achieve this by providing them with appropriate homework. Students will do their daily homework at school, although students from third cycle may need study time at home.
In the primary school our bilingual plan is aimed so that we make use of English as a mean of teaching-learning through other subjects. A second foreign language (German) will also be introduced during this stage although as a complementary activity so that the students can acquire the basic linguistic competence to reinforce many different simple solutions.
The Educational Project for Primary school follows these guidelines:
- Use of English.
- A second foreign language (German).
- Early detection of learning difficulties and solutions.
- Support and reinforcement.
- Cognitive development within the classroom, an intellectual approach to learning and thinking strategies.
- The use of new technologies used in education.
- Good studying habits and attitude.
- Learning to think through literature (literacy club).
- Systematic learning of calculus.

ELC Mojácar
Offers English curriculum and GCSE also Intensive Spanish course for children
Tel: 950 615 489

Academia Garrucha
Can help with learning Spanish and also other subjects, Homework help.
*Carmen speaks very good English.
Garrucha Primary school (public with Bilingual program)
Carmen: 693 607 038

Garrucha Primary school
Public with Bilingual program
Colegio de Educación Infantil y Primaria Ex Mari Orta
Educación: Infantil, Primaria, Educación Especial
Centro Público
Tlf: 950 451 901
Actividades Extraescolares, Aula Matinal, Comedor
Centro Bilingüe Español Inglés
Camino Viejo de Mojácar s/n
4630 Garrucha,

Espanglish in Vera
They offer a homework club with additional support for expat children. They also offer Spanish lessons.
Tlf: +34 950 39 00 37
or: +34 950 39 28 76